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Created 27-Jul-10
Modified 1-Jul-24
Visitors 224
74 photos
Black Bear portfolio covering all seasons and behaviors. Fine art prints and high resolution files for publication are available upon request. Un-authorised use of any of these images is not permited.
Black Bear - BKBR00799Black Bear - BKBR00791Black Bear - BKBR01075aBKBR00629 Black BearBlack Bear - BKBR01182Black Bear - BKBR00110BKBR00831 Black Bear BoarBKBR01054-Black-BearBlack Bear - BKBR00808Black Bear - BKBR01070BKBR01084-Black-BearBKBR01066-Black-BearBKBR00967-Black-BearBKBR00064 Black BearBKBR01073 Black BearBlack Bear Sow and Cub - BBCB00120Black Bear Cub - BBCB00164Black Bear Cub - BBCB00157BKBR00952 - Black BearBKBR010892 Black Bear

Guestbook for Black Bear
Kristina Geroux(non-registered)
The guestbook is empty.