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Created 19-Jul-10
Modified 8-Jan-24
Visitors 2863
237 photos
This collection of photos created in wild places are my personal favorites made over the past thirty plus years.

Hand Signed, Custom Fine-art Prints are available for any of these images.

High resolution files for any of these photos are available for publication upon request.

Un-authorised use of any of these images is not permitted.

Custom Fine Art Hand-signed Print prices include shipping within the United States;

5" x 7" - $25.00
8" x 10" - $45.00
11" x 14" - $65.00
12" x 18" - $85.00
16" x 20" or 16" x 24" - $155.00

Larger sizes, Canvas and Metal prints are available upon request, please contact me for more information.

Note: Fine Art Prints are available for any photo in my galleries.

Please contact me at [email protected] to order your prints
Trumpeter Swans CygnetsSnowy OwlBald EagleSage GrouseAVCT01923 - American AvocetBLTH01857 BluethroatGray Wolf - GW00097GRZ01810 - Grizzly BearGE00133 - Golden EagleEK07106 Rocky Mountain ElkBCWR00003 - BobcatElk "Cow Elk" "Frosty winter morning" Yellowstone "Fine art photography"Snow Goose - SNGS01481WDHS02012 Wild Horses, Steens MountainPronghorn AntelopeCoyote RestingRed Fox - RFWR00007Bull Elk and RainbowBald Eagle - BE00430NMRP00507a Red-necked Phalarope

Guestbook for Favorites; Award Winning Photos & Fine Art Prints
Nakliyat Yapanlar(non-registered)
Sweet website! Very cool images!! Awesome pictures, Great photographer, Thank you for sharing! Your dreams are so beautiful. your point of view is different from other people. Looking forward to checking out your pictures and page. Congratulations achievements.
Mo Gunther(non-registered)
I love everyone of your photos! Makes me feel like I'm right there with the animals! You got some great interaction between animals. You got the best job being out there with wildlife and doing photography too! That is my dream! Thanks for sharing your beautiful photos! You are a very talented and great photographer!
kevin orcutt(non-registered)
your photos are beautiful! Im glad i bought a few when you worked with me at the gazette . knew your work was great 21 yrs ago. once again congrats.
Linda Oxley(non-registered)
Your work is just as wonderful as ever. Your time, patience, skill and love for what you do shows in each shot. Thank you for sharing your gift with the world.
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