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Created 19-Nov-11
Modified 21-Jan-24
Visitors 254
181 photos
A variety shorebirds photographed on the western coast of the United States. High resolution files and fine art prints are available for any of these images upon request. Un-authorised use of any of these images is not permitted.
BKOC347739 Black Oyster CatchersRDKT00084 Red KnotBBP00142 Black-bellied PloverMG00237 - Marbled GoswitGBH00294 Great Blue HeronRDKT00066 Red KnotRT00039 Ruddy TurnstoneDN00229 DunlinSP00092 Semipalmated PloverSBV00466 Spring Shorebird MigrationLD00044 Long-billed DowitcherDN00214 DunlinDN00191 DunlinSP00116 Semipalmated PloverWS00143 Western SandpiperSP00048 Semipalmated PloverWS00041 Western SandpiperSBV00528 Spring Shorebird MigrationBBP00157 Black-bellied PloverDN00151 Dunlin