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Created 26-Aug-15
Modified 24-Dec-23
Visitors 707
61 photos
Yellowstone National Park is perhaps my all time favorite wild place to explore and photograph during any season, but spring and winter are my favorite times to be in the park. Yellowstone seems to always have something magical to share with me every time I visit. This gallery is a collection of my most recent and favorite images created in Yellowstone. Each photos is available for publishing and/or fine art prints. Un-authorized use of any of these photos in not permitted.
Gray Wolf - GW00356bCoyote Pouncing - CEF00072Cow Elk with Young Calf - RMEK010345Black Bear Cub Peeking- BBCB00120DYGR00162-Dusky-GrouseMule Deer Doe and Fawn - MEDR00319Shiras Bull Moose - SHMS452126Pronghorn Antelope Buck - PHAE00627BKBR01559 _ Black BearYSNP00928 Yellowstone National ParkPronghorn Antelope - PASP00067Trumpeter Swan Cygnets - TRSW862054Rocky Mountain Cow Elk with newborn calf - RMEK01164Grizzly Bear Sow and Cub - GRZ00956aPronghorn Antelope Doe with Twin Fawns - PHAE00057Yellowstone National Park - YSNP00654EK04223 Rocky Mountain ElkGrizzly Bear Sow with Cub - GRZ00255BE00146 - Bald EagleGolden Eagle - GE00079